Dcjs Ny Phone Number
Hours of operation 8am through 4 30pm monday through friday excluding legal holidays.
Dcjs ny phone number. Please email dcjs sm legal dcjs ny gov for all other inquiries. The new york state division of criminal justice services dcjs is pleased to announce the availability of funding through the ffy2020 stop violence against women formula grant program the competitive request for proposal rfp will solicit applications from local government tribal nations hospitals and not for profit agencies for the implementation of comprehensive strategies addressing. Maintenance of criminal history information and fingerprint files. The new york state division of criminal justice services www criminaljustice ny gov is a multi function criminal justice support agency with the following core functions.
Dcjs victims services virtual roundtable discussion loss healing and resilience. Janine kava dcjs ny gov or pressinfo dcjs ny gov phone. Dcjs main line 804 786 4000. Help and information about children college students or vulnerable adults reported missing.
New york state division of criminal justice services office of public safety 80 south swan st albany ny 12210. Access our employee directory and or submit an online request or message. Contact the virginia department of criminal justices services. Contact an individual unit.
Albany new york 12210. Surviving and thriving in the midst of a pandemic va 09 09 2020 09 09 2020. 518 417 3384 registry database searches. Albany new york 12210 518 457 8462 email.
Admin opdf dcjs ny gov law enforcement and legal services phone. Administration including byrne jag jj federal programs gms phone. Lelsunit dcjs ny gov vawa victim services phone. Registry main telephone number.
Private security related 804 786 4700. Information furnished on this site is considered sensitive and is for official governmental purposes only. 518 457 5837 or 1 800 262 3257 e mail. It is to be treated on a privileged and confidential level and the contents shall not be disclosed to any person or organization or used for any purpose other than that of a duly authorized official acting in his her official capacity.